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Healthy soil, profitable farm

Regenerative agriculture has the potential to capture more carbon than it emits, while promoting biodiversity, water retention and ecosystem health. It fixes the planet!

We believe farmers should be rewarded for the vital role they play beyond food production.

Over 1,600 farmers already joined our programme

We support farmers in France, Belgium and United Kingdom.

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I am a farmer

I want to get paid for improving my climate impact

Discover our Rewards programme
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I am a company

I want to invest in my supply chain resilience and contribute to global net zero

Discover our offers
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Build resilient supply chains together,
the case of Fabien and Royal Canin

Fabien Driat
Fabien driat
FARMER in jessain (Aube, france)

“For several years now, I've heard many promises of compensation for carbon-storing practices, and I've finally found a serious company that has succeeded in creating this missing link between companies and the environment.”

Marion Sarteel
Marion Sarteel
Global Climate Lead at Royal Canin

“Our partnership with Soil Capital is expected to deliver an average of 150,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas removal and reduction each year. This will not only enable us to make progress towards our global climate target, but also help protect soil health and biodiversity.”

Fabien Driat
Marion Sarteel
royal canin logo

How does it work?

Our certification programme ensures long-term positive outcomes of regenerative practices.

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We quantify and certify farmer improvement through carbon measurement; both reductions and removals. 1 certificate = 1T CO2e (reduced or removed)

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Supply chain resilience

Companies accelerate their supply chain resilience by supporting farmers. Farmers are rewarded for their positive results.

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Climate action

Companies reduce their scope 3 emissions through future proofed solutions that deliver against international standards like SBTi.

Soil Capital, agronomists working
alongside farmers for more than 10 years

batiments agricoles

Who are we ?

From an agronomy firm to a holistic regenerative programme, our roots are firmly planted in agriculture.

About soil capital

Our expertise

As agronomists, we help farmers improve their soil health through regenerative agriculture practices.

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Let’s talk!

We collaborate with ambitious people; we’d love to build something great together.

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